Be The Wind Beneath A Thousand Dreams

Time travel to the days when you first walked into this institution. You were a little anxious, a little excited, a little hopeful. Somebody held your hand, took you around the campus and introduced you to all the other students, some old, some new. You started your journey of learning, exploring, understanding, and soon you were beaming with your dreams, aspirations, and goals. Since then, at every step there were people, some known, some unknown who took care of you, so you could have a smooth journey in infusing life to your dreams. They were the wind that propelled the wings of your dreams and empowered you to be what you are today.

You are reading this either from your office, home, or on the go. The beauty is, you are reading this today because you have become a part of an emerging force that is empowered to do good for the larger community. And as they say, charity begins at home, grab this benevolent opportunity and continue the ripple effect of generosity. It’s your chance now to be the wind and propel the wings of the dreams of your younger brothers and sisters.


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