Bindu Shree N

The Ripple Effect Of Change

I come from a family of five - three elders and two children. A cramped room meant to store weaving machines is where we lived and called our home. My father's illness coupled with his addiction, and my mother's inability to make both ends meet, often led to hunger-stricken days.

I joined Sri Sathya Sai Institution in Grade 6, and ever since then I can see a significant improvement in my overall well-being. Here, along with education, I also receive proper nutrition, clothing, accommodation, and most importantly a values-based culture; a privilege that was beyond our means and dreams back home.

During my visits to home, I started sharing about the institution and my learnings here with my parents. Surprisingly, their behaviour and outlook too changed for the better. With counseling, my father overcame his addictive habits that led to successful recovery from his persistent illness. Consequently, he got a job and started contributing to the family's income. Now, the entire family has moved to a new rented place that is definitely more comfortable and liveable than the store room.

Additionally, my elder brother has enrolled in the Skill Development Programme at our university and his progress has been remarkable, positioning him as a top performer in his batch. I feel fortunate to be a part of this institution that has not only supported me, but has transformed the fate of my entire family.

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